The Importance of Protein for an Aging Population

Protein is a vital nutrient that’s important for all age groups because it’s required by every cell in the human body. Since protein needs tend to increase as we get older, researchers are now paying special attention to the protein needs of the people over age 65. This is especially true for older adults who may be dealing with acute or chronic illnesses which causes excessive wear and tear on the body. While dealing with an illness, aging bodies process protein less efficiently and need more of it to maintain bone health, muscle mass and strength.

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#1 Most Trusted Egg Brand in Canada

Burnbrae Farms is very proud to be selected as the #1 Most Trusted Egg Brand in Canada. The BrandSpark Most Trusted Award (BMTA) offers insight into which companies Canadian consumers trust the most in 150 categories. The awards were created to help consumers make informed purchasing decisions, and to encourage excellence and help brands identify themselves as leaders in their respective categories. Over 18,000 Canadian shoppers voted for the BrandSpark Most Trusted Award Winners for 2020.

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Health and Safety at Burnbrae Farms

Here at Burnbrae Farms Health and Safety is a cornerstone of our Mission, Vision and Values, so we take it very seriously. We want to ensure that everyone who works here goes home to their families at the end of every shift safe and sound.

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Five Mile Lighthouse Rebuild

August 7th is #nationallighthouseday and we’d like to recognize the hundreds of beautiful lighthouses that dot our coastlines and waterways across the country. This year is particularly meaningful to us since the re-build of the Five Mile Light on the St. Lawrence River is now underway. The Hudson family and Burnbrae Farms Foundation contributed to this extremely worthwhile initiative.

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Burnbrae Farms Support for Frontline Hospital Workers

In the year 2020 we have seen our world turn upside down. It has been 100 years since the last ...

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Moove Over, it’s Cow Appreciation Day!

Burnbrae Farms is a thriving family owned poultry agribusiness. Who would have thought that the original farm had its roots ...

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2019 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Contest


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Burnbrae Farms: A Proud National Sponsor of Parkinson's Superwalk Since 2006!

Burnbrae Farms and Parkinson Canada promote overall brain health for Canadians, and specifically those living with Parkinson’s. Evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids like those found in fish, spinach, flax and hemp seeds, and omega-3 enriched eggs, may have neuroprotective properties.

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Solar Water Heating

At Burnbrae Farms we are proud to produce nutritious affordable eggs for Canadians while working to protect and enrich the environment. As part of that commitment, we closely monitor energy and water use, divert waste from landfills, recycle and compost eggshells, and reuse the water used to wash the eggs. We are constantly researching projects to look at ways to reduce our GHG energy use, one of these projects is the use of solar water heaters in a test run by the Poultry Operations team using solar energy to heat the water used in the office.

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The Truth About Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Animal Agriculture

Everyone seems to be worried about the environment and the threat of climate change these days. And no wonder! Weather ...

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Reducing By-Products and Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Cardboard Balers

At Burnbrae Farms we are proud to produce nutritious affordable eggs for Canadians while working to protect and enrich the environment. As part of that commitment, we closely monitor energy and water use, divert waste from landfills, recycle and compost egg shells, and reuse the water used to wash the eggs. One of our major commitments is our extensive program for reusing and recycling cardboard and plastic, done through baling our waste.

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Scoop on Poop

At Burnbrae Farms manure is not a waste product. It is a valuable asset that comes off of our farms and is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, all the nutrients you need to grow great crops. We actually have a waiting list of farmers who want to buy our manure to use as organic fertilizer.

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Burnbrae Farms Sponsored Athletes Update

At Burnbrae Farms, we believe in helping people achieve a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition. As part of this mission, we support athletes that compete in different levels and areas of sport. These athletes exemplify healthy lifestyles through physical activity by practicing their sport and fueling their bodies with a healthy diet, including eggs of course! Here’s an update on our sponsored athletes.

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