15 novembre 2016

DIY Egg Carton Holiday Bells


Gift giving shouldn’t just be about the gift for the recipient; a little thought should be put into the presentation. Obviously a thoughtful gift is always appreciated but personally when I see a gift wrapped in beautiful paper with handmade embellishments to finish it off, I appreciate it that much more. I almost have all of my gifts wrapped under the tree and although they look pretty just as they are, they were definitely missing the extra touches. Today Baby Girl and I decided to  make a few glitter bells using our Burnbrae Farms egg cartons and a few other supplies we already had kicking around the house. I think they turned out pretty well; don’t you?

Make your own Egg Carton Glitter Bells, you’ll need:

•Egg carton

•White craft paint

•Paint brush

•Metal eyehooks, or craft wire

•Wire cutters and small pliers

•Silver bells

•Glitter of your choice

•White glue

•Ribbon or string of your choice


Step-by-Step Christmas Glitter Bells

Step 1: Gather Materials – Choose the glitter and ribbon in colours of your choice. I chose neutral colours to compliment my sugar cookie wrapping paper and burlap string for a more rustic look.

Step 2: Cut and Paint – Cut the egg carton into single cups and trim into a bell shape before painting each cup white, inside and out. If you are careful with the glue and glitter to guarantee enough coverage or don’t mind the natural colour of the egg carton, you can skip this step

Step 3, 4 & 5: Paint and Glitter Inside – Paint each cup with a generous coat of white glue on the inside and sprinkle entire interior of the cup with your choice of glitter colour. Repeat for all egg cups and set aside to dry completely. Hook a bell on the end of an eyehook and insert the other end through the centre of the interior of each cup. Using small pliers twist on the outside into a loop and secure by wrapping around the base just above the hole you just created. Cut any excess wire away with your wire cutters. I use jewelry tools when working with wire. Crafting wire works just as easily you just have to create more loops to secure both ends.

Step 6: Holding the wire loop you just created, paint the entire exterior with a generous coat of white glue and sprinkle glitter over the entire surface. Set aside to dry completely. I also dabbed around the entire edge of the bell so no egg carton showed through.

Step 7: Once dry, tie the ribbon or string onto the wire loops and attach to any special gift for a gorgeous embellished look.

Will you be making some Egg Carton Holiday Glitter Bells?

Thanks to our Guest Blogger and Brand Ambassador, Stacey. Mom to 5, Stacey humorously writes about going from a City Mom to Farmer Joe at This Lil Piglet. When shes not wrangling her barn animals OR kids, you can find her sharing her love of DIY, fashion and food down on the farm. Visit her website at: http://thislilpiglet.net/2013/12/diy-egg-carton-christmas-bells/