After Dinner Mint & Cranberry DOGGY Drop Treats

Treats that your doggy best friend will be sure to love! Perfect for the holidays or any time of the year.

  • Makes: About 25 treats

Nutritional Information



1 cup
Rice Flour
1 cup
Barley Flour
1/2 cup
Potato Starch
1/4 cup
Milk Powder
1/2 tsp
Baking Powder
1/4 tsp
1/8 cup
Unsweetened Coconut (Optional)
2 tbsp
Dried Mint
Naturegg Omega 3 egg
1/4 cup
Coconut Oil (or Shortening)
1/2 cup
1/2 tsp
Vanilla Extract
1 tbsp
1/4 cup
Cooked Cranberries, mashed
Whole cranberries for center


  1. Preheat oven to 325 F (based on Convection Oven). Prepare cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

  2. Combine dry ingredients (first 8 above). Combine wet ingredients; mix well. Add dry ingredients to wet and mix until dough comes together into a loose ball.

  3. Using a small ice cream scoop or spoon, form small, evenly spaced mounds on your tray.

  4. Push a whole cranberry into the center of each mound.

  5. Bake for 25-30 Minutes.


  1. Cookie will be soft. Store in airtight container, such as a jar or tin for up to 7 days. Treats can also be refrigerated or frozen for longer shelf-life.

  2. Add less water to form a solid ball of dough that you can roll out (with additional flour on your rolling surface) and cut shapes. Be sure to score the shapes (pierce holes) before baking to keep them bubbling up. To harden, bake about an hour longer and turn oven off with treats inside to dehydrate.

This recipe was made with:

Naturegg Omega Plus

Nutritionally enhanced eggs.

Learn More

Tips: Whipping

To make folding egg white mixtures easier; whisk a small dollop of whipped egg whites into whatever your mixture is first to lighten it, then add the rest.

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